The Association between the Agency
Platinum X represents escorts based upon the fact that the escorts has approached the agency of their own free will and requested the agency represent them as their personal assistant in the promotion of their escort services as a freelance escort on a purely time and companionship basis only. The agency cannot and will not be held liable for anything other than the services it promotes, of which for clarification, are the escorts time and companionship only, and nothing else whatsoever.
It should also be clearly understood that the agency and the escorts from Platinum X Escort, do not provide any sexual services. Any money exchanged between the escort and the client is for time and company only. Anything else that may or may not occur between the escort and the client is a matter between two consenting adults and between those two parties only, not including Platinum X. Escorts booked through Platinum X are for time and companionship only.
All escorts represented by the Platinum X escort Agency, are doing so of their own free will and are legally entitled to work as a self employed person within the United Kingdom and are adults over the age of 18 the age of 18 years.